To all my colleague...happy chinese new year...
my colleague team... |
kepada sume kengkawan yg berbangsa cina, semoga bergumbira di hari raya.
Korang tahu tak apabila menjelang CNY season ni biasanya AMWAY akan mengeluarkan satu biskut yang dipanggil Prosperity Cookies. tadi masa duk lepak2 kat HQ USJ, aku ternampak satu kotak biskut tu & my colleague said..please take & see your luck 4 this aku pon try la (just for fun...kerana aku percaya sume akan ditentukan ALLAH) then..guess what the paper said????
" you will be called to fill a position of high honour and responsibility"
owwwhh dear Allah, I wish it become a reality & hope 2011 will give me a shine in my life...Amin.
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